I Am What I Am A Memoir

Sunitha Krishnan
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About This Book

‘There is one absolute truth in the world, and that is death. I do not fear it, but I definitely want to make sure that I do all that is possible to the best of my ability before my end.’ Steely, outspoken and relentless, Sunitha Krishnan has long been a crusader against the sex-trafficking mafia in India. Internationally, she is one of the most powerful advocates for the rights of sex-crime and trafficking victims. Beginning when she was still in her teens, Sunitha has spent the past three decades focused on this mission—since 1996 through Prajwala, the anti-trafficking organisation she founded. The organisation has so far rescued 28,900 and rehabilitated 26,900 survivors, and prevented 18,000 children from entering the sex trade.

In this powerful, moving memoir, Sunitha Krishnan writes about her unwavering determination to confront sex trafficking in

India, her personal struggles, the colossal odds stacked up against her mission and her unfaltering belief in a higher power to keep her steady in her fight. I Am What I Am is the story of a charismatic, fiery woman who won’t be defined by any one part of her many truths: child survivor of sexual assault, social entrepreneur, film producer, cancer survivor, motivational speaker. Sunitha’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of one individual to ignite change in the face of overwhelming darkness.

Book Details

Language: English
Publisher: Westland Publication
Stock Code: 9789360452988
UPC: 1
Paper Count: 294
Book Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789360452988
Publishing Year: 2024

Expected Delivery: 7-8 Days
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