Publish with us
We are in business thanks to our authors.
We appreciate that it takes time, passion and effort to write a book. Your hardwork requires the right publisher to take it to fruition.
At Embassy Books, we specialize in titles on personal growth, management, self help, inspiraiton, management, health and mind body spirit. Please write to us if your manuscript falls in these categories.
You may send an email to :
Physical copies can be sent to :
Embassy Books120, Great Western Building,
Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce Lane,
Mumbai - 400 023.
Tel. : +91-9004740896
While submitting your book, please include :
- A synopsis of your book
- A table of contents
- The first three chapters of your book
- Your vision and purpose for the book
- The target group for your book
- Author Bio
Manucripts received in physical format will not be returned. Please keep a copy when sending us manuscripts by snail mail.
Due the large number of manuscripts we receive, we may not be able to reply to each and every submission we receive. Generally we complete a review within 2 months. We cannot answer questions about proposals by phone or email. In most instances, you will receive a response from us within 6-8 weeks if we decide to pursue your book idea.