How long is estimated shipping time?
We try our best to send the books immediately and ship from our Mumbai warehouse. Normal shipping time is 7-8 days though your order can reach earlier.

Can the courier deliver my package at a specified time?
The courier companies will take requests, and make an attempt to deliver on particular times, but cannot guarantee a time based delivery. It is better to provide an address where delivery can be accepted through the day.

What if I am not at home?
The courier will leave a note at your door and attempt delivery two more times. There is no charge for the two more attempts. You can let them know a suitable day for delivery and they will bring the parcel on the mentioned day. If delivery is not taken with six days, the parcel would be returned and your order refunded.

What if a title is not available?
In the rare case a book is out of stock or unavailable at a particular time, our customer service team will inform you of the same and you can choose to either cancel or wait for the title to arrive.

What are the various modes of payment available?
The various payment options available are debit card, credit card, internet banking or VPP.

Can I pay cash on delivery?
We have VPP which is cash on delivery service by post.

Can I return a book?
If the book you have received is incorrect or has a defect you can return and we will replace the same.